★ A goal without a plan is only a dream. ★
Planning Your Future
Retirement income is not about assets, it is about income. Your assets can be lost, stolen, swindled, sued, divorced or decimated by a market crisis. Retirement is about income and risk management.
Common Mistakes Made When Preparing For Retirement:
- Under estimating life expectancy
- Paying too much in taxes
- Not preparing for the impact of inflation
- Relying on income that is not guaranteed for life.
- Not preparing for potential catastrophic expenses, primarily health care.
- Focusing on financial products instead of strategic planning.
- Underestimating the drop in income when a spouse dies.
For You To Have “Peace Of Mind” In Retirement You Must Have The Answers To These Questions:
- When can I/we retire comfortably?
- How much guaranteed income do I/we need to cover our living expenses?
- If there is an extended market decline, how long will my/our invested money last?
- Are I/we prepared for a serious health issue?
- Are the taxes I/we pay the lowest they can be?
- If one of us dies early, will the survivor have “peace of mind”, for the rest of their life?
Working with a knowledgeable professional will help you answer these questions the right way and in the right order.
At Federal Benefits Advisors, we are ready to partner with you to prepare a roadmap towards “peace of mind” for the rest of your lives. With guidance your vision can be transformed into reality.
Marilyn M. Miller is a registered investment advisor, dba Federal Benefits Advisors, in the State of Washington. This advisor may not transact business in states, where it is not appropriately registered, excluded or exempted from registration. Individualized responses to persons that involve either the effecting of transaction in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will not be made without registration or exemption.
Marilyn M. Miller is a registered investment advisor, dba Federal Benefits Advisors is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. Armed Forces, any of the federal benefit programs, the State of Washington, any Washington State Agency, or any of the Washington state benefit programs. Marilyn M. Miller, Registered Investment Advisor dba Federal Benefits Advisors nor its representatives do not provide legal or tax advice.