Social Security is a benefit you may have earned through years of hard work. Don’t miss out on maximizing these benefits because of their complexity.

Social Security

What You Should Know Before You Retire…

As if navigating Social Security isn’t daunting enough, there are countless rules to understand;

  • there are over 2,700 rules for Social Security benefits
  • and over 500+ ways to claim benefits.

With life expectancy increasing retirees outliving their income is a major concern. With the number of claiming options that can impact an applicant’s income, it is critical to have somewhere to turn for guidance.

At Federal Benefits Advisors, we offer several options to help support you.

Social Security Options Report and Consultation Meeting

We understand that everyone is unique in their needs for specific benefits. We will work with you to create an individualized and comprehensive Social Security Options Report. This report can capture all your assets and other sources of retirement income. The report will be presented at a half-hour consultation meeting.

Call or email us at for a comprehensive report and arrange a consultation meeting.

Seminars on Social Security – open to EVERYONE

Social Security Seminar: What You Should Know Before You Retire

Topics of Discussion:

  • My Social Security Account
  • Social Security Basics
  • Understanding Your Benefit Options
  • Working in Retirement
  • Tax Implications
  • Benefits Available for Spouses and Dependents
  • Other Important Considerations

In addition, seminar participants are entitled to a Basic Social Security Options Report and a free half-hour consultation meeting.

Marilyn M. Miller is a registered investment advisor, dba Federal Benefits Advisors, in the State of Washington. This advisor may not transact business in states, where it is not appropriately registered, excluded or exempted from registration. Individualized responses to persons that involve either the effecting of transaction in securities, or the rendering of personalized investment advice for compensation, will not be made without registration or exemption.

Marilyn M. Miller is a registered investment advisor, dba Federal Benefits Advisors is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. Armed Forces, any of the federal benefit programs, the State of Washington, any Washington State Agency, or any of the Washington state benefit programs. Marilyn M. Miller, Registered Investment Advisor dba Federal Benefits Advisors nor its representatives do not provide legal or tax advice.